Our same great, classic blue bags but in a different packaging. The Zoo Keeper bags are geared towards waste pick-up for cats, dogs, or other critters. They are ideal for disposing of scooped litter clumps or small animal cage bedding clean up. The tie handles lock in the odors and keep your garbage bins smelling fresh!
Bag features
- Easy tie handle
- For all dog sizes
- Pleasantly baby powder scented
- Odor and moisture locking
- Bag sixze: 17" L x 7" W with 5" side gussets
1 Review
Handle tie poop bags
These bags work great and they have a pleasant scent to help control ordor. I have two cats and I use them to dispose of the waste in their litter boxes. I would definitely recommend them.

35 Tie Handle Pet Poop Bags

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